Saturday, 11 September 2021
The Much Needed Reform in Agricultural; Model Agriculture Land Leasing Act 2016
Monday, 16 August 2021
A scheme to revamp or a ruse for sway; Union Ministry of Cooperation
Monday, 19 October 2020
'The Great Tale of Hinduism' book by Author Prathviraj Singh
Friday, 16 October 2020
बॉलीवुड का धर्मयुद्ध या मीडिया की सनसनी?
आज सुशांत सिंह राजपूत मामले के 4 महीने पूरे होने पर अगर हम ठगा सा महसूस नहीं कर रहे तो मान लीजिए कि देश का मानस सही दिशा में नहीं है। हर संभव मुश्किल से जूझते वक़्त जिस शालीनता के साथ हम ने मीडिया और बॉलीवुड के बीच मचे छीछा लेदर का लुफ्त उठाया है वह या तो कोई बुद्ध समाज कर सकता है या कोई बुद्धु समाज।
भाई भतीजावाद के झंडा बरदार घोषित हो चुके बॉलीवुड के 18-20 के लड़के लड़कियां जो कि भारतीय न्याय तंत्र के हिसाब से अभी कुछ महीने पहले ही समझदार हुए है, उन्हें हाशिए पर चड़ता देखने की उत्सुकता मे अंधे हो चुके लोगो ने जब इस के शांत होने के बाद वास्तविकता से आंख मिलाई होगी तो एक बार मन ग्लानि से जरूर भर गया होगा। कई सवाल है जो मेरे चारों तरफ से भी सुनाई से रहे है। उनमें से एक बड़ा सवाल यह है कि क्या मीडिया का रवैया सही था? जिस में सबसे पहले फैसला सुनाया, फिर अपराधी ढूंढे और उस के बाद खुद ही जांच बिठाई जिस में शुक्र है कि थोड़ी बहुत मदद सी.बी.आई की भी ली। और फिर ऐसा माहौल बनाया कि मानो इस धर्मयुद्ध के जीतते है देश की सारी परेशानियां खत्म हो जाएंगी। और समाज फिर एक बार स्वर्णिम युग में प्रवेश करेगा। ये तो भला ही हुआ कि प्राइम टाइम पर किसी को लाइव फांसी नहीं हुई। मीडिया की वक्र दृष्टि से बच बच कर कई बिद्धिजिवियो ने यह सवाल भी उठाया कि क्या पूरे देश का बमुश्किल 500-600 लोगो से बने बॉलीवुड में इतना रुचि लेना सही है। जब की करोड़ों बेरोजगार और आर्थिक तंगी से पीड़ित लोग किसी को अपना दुखड़ा सुना तक नहीं पा रहे। और अगर हम यह मान भी लें कि ये 500-600 लोग देश के लिए इतने अहम है तब भी क्या उनके अंतरंग जीवन में किसी का कैमरा ले कर घुस जाना सही है?
मेरे लिए इन सवालों का जवाब मिला इस है इंडस्ट्री के सबसे प्रमुख निर्माता द्वारा चलाए जा रहे एक टीवी शो में। चाय पर चर्चा का अंग्रेजी रूपांतर यह शो जिस में वह सभी बॉलीवुड सितारों से पूछते है कि आप अगर सुबह किसी और के बेडरूम में जागती या जागते है तो आप क्या करेंगे? या फिर इन सभी सितारों में से किस से आप सिर्फ वन नाइट स्टैंड वाला रिश्ता रखेंगी, किस से आप प्रेम प्रसंग चलना चाहेंगी/चाहेंगे और किस से शादी करेंगे? इस ही शो के माध्यम से हमें यह बताया गया कि किसी के जीवन की अंतरंग बातो मै कितना मजा लिया जा सकता है। किसी फिल्मी कलाकर के वैवाहिक जीवन के बाहर चल रहे प्रेम प्रसंग आम जनता को कितनी खुशी देते है। और सब से ज्यादा मजे कि बात की इन सितारों को भी ऐसे बर्ताव या सवालों से कोई अपात्ती नहीं होती। खुद ही को चरित्रहीन और बेपरवाह होने का सर्टफिकेट देते वक़्त इन फिल्मी सितारों को अंदाजा भी नहीं होगा कि जो बबूल आज वो बो रहे है इस के कांटे इन्हें कितनी जोर से चुभेंगे। जिस ड्रग पार्टी का वीडियो खुद ही शेयर कर ये इतरा रहे थे वहीं वीडियो इन के गले की हड्डी बनेगा, इस बात का अंदाजा भी इन बेचारों को नहीं होगा। यह पूरा घटनाक्रम हमे भी सीख देता है कि आज के इस युग में आप मर्यादा भंग तो बड़ी आसानी से कर सकते है पर फिर बाद में इस कि कोई सीमा या दिशा तय करना किसी के भी आपे से बाहर की बात है।
खेर इन्हें फिल्मी सितारे कहा भी इसीलिए जाता है क्यो की फिल्मी कि ही तरह इन की चमक भी बनावटी होती है। और इस में कुछ ग़लत भी नहीं। आखिर किसी अच्छे कलाकर से यह अपेक्षा रखना की उस की राजनीतिक, सामाजिक, न्यायिक सूझ बुझ भी उतनी ही अच्छी हो जितनी अपनी कला में है, यह तो उस के साथ भी ज्यायती होगी। इसी ही लिए मैंने खुद को उस फूहड़ टीवी शो के होस्ट कि जगह रख कर देखा और विश्वास मानिए उस कि परेशानी का एहसास भी मुझे हुआ। किसी भी साक्षत्कार की जान होता है उस में बुलाया गया मेहनाम जो वास्तविक दुनिया और जीवन के अनुभवो से ओत प्रोत हो। जिस के सीधी सदी बाते और किस्से भी लोगो को लुभाती हो। किसी भी क्षेत्र में अपनी मेहनत से नाम कमा चुके लोग जब कुछ बोलते है तो वह अपने आप ही दर्शक को सुहाना लगता है, प्रेरणा देता है। आप अगर एक सफ़र तय किए व्यक्ति जैसे अमिताभ बच्चन, शाहरुख खान, जावेद अख्तर या देवानंद को सुनेगे तो मुझे नहीं लगता कि उस में अश्लील और फूहड़ बातो का तड़का लगाने की आवश्यकता किसी को भी महसूस होगी। पर जब इंटरव्यू किसी ऐसे सितारे का हो जिस की चमक भी मां या बाप की उधर दी हुई हो या जिस का सबसे बड़ा टैलेंट जबान से अपनी नाक छू लेना हो तो कार्यक्रम को मनोरंजक बनाने के लिए ओछी बातो का सहारा तो लेना ही पड़ेगा। पर अब आखिरी में यह समझ नहीं आ रहा कि देश के 5 महीने बर्बाद करने का इल्जाम किस के माथे डाले। पहले ही खुद को थल में परोस कर प्रस्तुत कर चुके बॉलीवुड पर या उस थाल में दावत उड़ा चुकी मीडिया पर या फिर खुद पर जो इन सब बातो में ड्रग्स के नशे कि तरह पड कर अपनी सुद बुध भुला बैठे है।
लेखक:- प्रथ्वी राज सिंह
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Harvest of Hope
When the fear of Covid19 still has a tight grip over the entire world a new fear of collapsing economies is ready to strangle the neck, especially of the developing nations. Any proper assessment of the actual effects of this pandemic on the global economy is yet to come. But one thing is sure that it has hit-hard already-slowing Indian economy. Financial experts say that this crisis will leave a permanent scar on India's growth story. According to Mumbai based credit rating agency CRISIL a huge contract will be in GDP numbers for 2020-21 and to catch-up a surge of 11% would be required for the next three fiscals; which is quite unprecedented and less likely to happen in the case of India.
Among the many negative impacts of the greatest lockdown happened in India in the end of March 2020 the biggest ones are the erosion in job-base and consumer spending. The household spending which has been shifted to subsistence (survival) level during lockdown will remain cautious and timid under threat of a second wave of virus followed by another lockdown. Indian consumers will likely to save their resources for survival for the case of any recurrence.
For a country like India where major parts of demand and investment both come from domestic spendings and savings respectively. A revival in consumption is much needed, as Biocon chairperson Kiran Mazumdar Shaw said, "Demand is going to play a very big part in economic revival, and if we cannot kick-start demand I fear then we cannot have economic revival.”
To rebound the economy a lot of emphasis is being paid for revival of the manufacturing and service sector by liquidity infusion and easy credit access. But the question rises that unless there is a revival of demand who will they sell their goods to? In this toughest time can Agriculture emerge as a saviour?
Indian Agriculture sector which still accommodates more than 50% of the population and largest labour force of 145 million is also the least hit sector during worldwide spread of Covid 19. Many farm produce counted as essential goods the agriculture sector had exemptions to sell their produce even in the complete lockdown.
Due to PM Kisan Sammam Nidhi and KCC loan, farmers reported that there has been a negligible impact on household consumption during lockdown. At the same time rabi production of 2020 especially wheat yields was record high. The Civil Supplies Corporation and Marketing Federation of Madhya Pradesh procured 128 lakh tonnes of wheat against 84.89 lakh tonnes yields of last year. The total wheat procurement in the country has touched 386 lakh tonnes as against 368 lakh tonnes of last year. In the process of rewarding the higher yields of farmers of Madhya Pradesh, the State government has infused liquidity of 21 lakh crores into the market through 14.22 lakh bank accounts of farmers. This fiscal stimulus straight into hands of farmer/farm-labourer has become the fuel to restart the growth story of the country, which had been on halt for 3 months. Negligible tax burden and increased income has raised the purchasing power of farmers which is very necessary for industrial growth. As agriculture supplies the raw material to various agro-based and FMCG companies. A good harvest plays a vital role in both internal and external trade of India.
Moreover, the forecast of higher production of kharif crops due to good monsoon this year has filled farmers with positive sentiments. And even the top economists believe that demand in a huge and developing economy like India is mostly sentiment driven. Euphoria of good harvest can be the required impetus for positive consumer behaviour. Hence Agriculture can definitely be the silver lining in this darkest hour of Indian economy.
We living in the manufacturing and service driven economy sometimes undermines the facts that India is the largest producer of milk, pulses, and jute, and ranks as the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnut, vegetables, fruit, and cotton. Additionally being the second largest producer India is also the largest exporter of rice and wheat, it can also fulfill the demands of the countries which are dependent on imports for their food security. Decreasing rates of crude oil and increased export of agriculture produce can definitely subsidize the trade deficit of our country. Especially in the time where many major exporters have withdrawn from the international market to avoid the exposure of Coronavirus. In this crucial time any small stimulus given to the agriculture sector by the government can re-track the entire economy. The recent forecast by CRISIL shows agriculture will still depict an impressive growth of 5.9% in Q4 of FY20, when GDP may register negative growth.
All the aforementioned facts show that when all the other businesses grapple with losses, the reopening of the economy poses fresh challenges for tackling the second wave of Covid-19. Agriculture is the only bright spot or the harvest of hope for India.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Expectation of Indian Economy from Modi 2.0
Perhaps this is the reason both the Government and opposition parties kept all economic worries aside. People also forgot rising rate of unemployment, muted earnings, undercapitalized NBFC’s with poor credit disbursement and covering up of real issues with dubious statistics. The country has suffered after effect of demonetization and teething effect of GST for almost 2 years but all these issues could not become the hot topics of discussion of election campaign. India voted on emotional, religious and security related issues, yet we all know the importanc of a good economic health for any country like India. Modi’s come-back reverberated with his old slogan of 2104 “sabka saath, sabka vikas” which can be translated as ‘inclusion of all, in economic progress’.
In case of India many times macroeconomic indicators do not reflect the ground reality for every state or some region or a group of people. Therefore rather than discussing the key fundamental of macroeconomics which hardly relates to a common man, we are discussing easily relatable micros. All a common man wants is a good job or a profitable business, proper infrastructure, cheap credits and safe investment avenues. No matter what the GDP numbers are saying he just want to feel secure about his own business and not about fiscal deficit of the country.
So in corollary the expectations from this Modi Government is also very basic. To provide with good earning opportunities in jobs or in business Government should start from they left, but this time with more thrust. Some extra attention is required to improve the business climate of India so it can attract investors who are looking for new avenues amidst of US, China trade war. Although India had improved a lot in ‘ease of doing business’ in Modi’s last term, India jumped to 77th rank from 131. But internal shocks of demonetization, complex GST and high interest rate averse the investors. This economic upheaval also slowed internal demand and sluggish growth which turns into job-loss and investment aversion from inside of the country. We must not belittle domestic investment as 80% of investment comes from domestic investors. As the dust of demonetization has settled now a simplified GST in pipeline and a moderate interest rate regime will do some help in coming years. Although frequent change in tax structure generally create disruption in market and its adaptation takes time. Eventually this time Government has to be extra cautious about simplification. Hopefully the new Direct Tax Code also add some more euphoria to the market and raise demand if good exemptions given under it.
A good banking system is like engine of growth for a country. Moving ahead with idea of recapitalization of banks and privatization of loss making and non strategic public sector bank can proved to be a great stimulus to economy. Easy and cheap credits can compensate the loss of growing unemployment in the country. Being it PM Modi’s own idea for which he also brought Mudra Loan scheme, he may put special emphasis on the idea this time.
Major reforms in agriculture sector is expected by all analyst as doubling farm income is priority on Modi’s agenda. Hopefully this Government will be more focused on agri-business by providing better access to technology, awareness of schemes and good Infrastructure to increase shelf life of produce. A restructuring in APMC act is also expected to make direct market more functional in agriculture. On-spot value addition to the agricultural produce can be a revolutionary idea for Indian farm business. It can empower farmer more than any other subsidy can do. There is also a urgent need of increasing per hectare productivity because increasing MSP is not a permanent solution. So cheap procurement of better seeds and better irrigation facility should be the top priority of Government.
One thing that is commonly accepted by all Indian after seeing Modi’s five year in centre that he is capable of doing what he determines to, Swachh Bharat is a live example. Although this Government will not have too much room in fiscal deficit for increasing public expenditure but there is lot of space for disinvestment in non-strategic PSUs. Modi may face some fiscal constraints but he has a good intent and also lot of support both from inside and outside of parliament. Conclusively Modi’s 2nd term can be historic for India’s progress.