Friday, 4 December 2015


In 1859 Charles Darwin came up with theory of evolution. Darwin published his theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species, overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of transmutation of species. By the 1870s, the scientific community and much of the general public had accepted evolution as a fact. But still it was not allowed to teach anything which goes against biblical stories untill Clarence Darrow in 1930 established this in famous scopes vs state or scopes monkey trail. The trial publicized the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy, which set Modernists, who said evolution was not inconsistent with religion, againstFundamentalists, who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen as both a theological contest and a trial on whether modern science regarding the creation–evolution controversy should be taught in schools. Sanatan scripture,sanatan puranas(vedic stories) has a subtle evidence of Darwin's theory. Dasavtar of vishnu quit resembles with this theory. This is not something like new discovery but widely known and accepted. Sir John Woodroffe (1865-1936), Advocate General of Bengal and Legal member of the erstwhile Govt. of India, had the same conclusion after the study of vedic texts. He said and I quote,
"Ages before Lamarck and Darwin, it was held in India that man has passed through 84 lakhs births as plants, animals, inferior species and then came the ancestors of developed man existing today. The theory was an act of brilliant deduction in which observation may also have had played part!"
Many articles and explanations have given of this resemblance so I will not go in much detail but just for better understanding lets take a succinct veiw

Matsya -the fish, a aquatic life form engendered in water to  save Manu from the super catastrophe 
Kurma- the amphibian life form the supporter of the world Varah- the boar, the terrestrial or mammal incarnation 
Narsimha- half man - half loin, beast tends to be a man by wining over a demon hiranyaksyapu
Vamana- the dwarf man or pygmoid followed by
Parashuram- fully developed jungle dweller wielding primitive arm Axe
Ram- A civilized man with more sophisticated arms like bow and arrow and highly developed social structure and relationship institution. Age where homo sapiens and proto humans (vanaras) both exist
Krishna- purna avtar the complete human being who not only following social and moral codes but also break them when it needs.
Buddha- the enlightened one, the wiser man, who not only thinks about mundane luxury or comfort but beyond human human existence, the spiritual side.
Kalki- the destroyer, intended to come in kaliyug.

But in these kinds of versions we miss the important half of our society WOMEN , so lets trace presence in this version of human history.
It first appeared in Vaman avtar as mother Aditi who's husband abandoned her after the birth of last son who is Vaman himself , which suggest that institution of marriage was not well structured and well defined. As Scriptures says rishi svetketu codified this institution of marriage but it doesn't means before this institution women were subservient to men in any which way, either they were equal as both had right to end up the relationship or women were superior as they had right to choose their partner. Which last till long in form of Swayanvar.
Next avtar Parashuram a mertinet a strict rule follower, was son of jamdagni and renuka. Where father had abjured mundane life but still living his hermit life with his wife and children. Which means commitment of husband wife's relationship was stronger than before.
In Ram avtar importance had given to almost every relationship which we are celebrating today whether it is brother -sister, mother-father, inlaws or friendship. Ultimately this newly developed human society was at peak of purity of social and moral values even this avtar fought against breach of this codes with Tadka, Surpnakha, Bali, Ravan. Everyone of them were guilty of breaching these highly respected moral values like Bali kept tara his younger brother's with him after denying Sugriv of his share of property. Ravan also guilty of stealing Ram's wife. Tadka was notorious asura who disturbes rishis in yagya and their free movement in jungle. Surpnakha, being a woman tried to seize other woman's right. So that is why this avtar called maryada purushottam "The ideal man"

Next one is not ideal but he is purna avtar "the complete man" KRISHNA avtar. This avtar does not only respect social ethos and moral but also break them when it needs. This suggests that the relationships meant to be respected are not sacrosanct, even they could be corrupted. When devar (brother in law) behave not like Laxman but like Duryodhan, he is worthy to penalize. When Jesth pita (uncle or grandfather) discriminates between his children and children of his younger brother and deprived them of their rights, its ok to be disobedient towards him. All highly respected elders like pitamah, gurus or elder brothers should vacant their legal position in royal court if they allows breaching of fundamental principals (mul dharma of shastra) to protect rules (niyam made by interpreting shastra) in their presence.
Krishna also introduced two other relationships between man and woman. Which are of sheer friendship and sheer love.
Two most important women in krishna's life were RADHA and DROPADI. Radha was one with who krishna never got married but the most revered and celebrated woman of krishna charitra and another one is beloved sakhi of krishna, central character of mahabharat greatest epic of Hinduism.

Buddha the enlightened one. Buddha's life itself was a message to mankind, it signifies that gaining love, comfort or luxury is not the ultimate goal of human life. Human life is much more than this mundane pleasures. Being the most exquisite and evolved species of this planet our goals cannot be so trivial. At a point of life we have overcome of this animals instinct of dominance, sex, love for life and fear of death and strive to be the enlightened one, attained self realization and transcend humanity and become god, god of your own's world.

KALKI the destrctor of world, yet to come

Dashavatar Sloka from Geeta Govind
composed by the 13th century poet Jaydev

pralaya-payodhijale Keshava dhrtavAnasi vedam
Keshava vihitavahitra-charitra-makhedam
 keshava dhrita meena shareera
 jaya jagadeesha hare.
kshitirati-vipulatare Keshava tava tishthati prishthe
 kesava dhrita kacchapa roopa jaya jagadisa hare.
vasati dashanashikhare Keshava dharani tava lagna
 shashini kalankakaleva nimagna
 kesava dhrita sukara rupa jaya jagadisa hare.
tava kara kamalavare Keshava nakhamadbhutasringam
dalita hiranyakasipu varabhringam
keshava dhrita narahari rupa jaya jagadisa hare.
chalayasi vikramane keshava balim adbhuta vamana
padanakha nira-janita-janapavana
 kesava dhrita vamana rupa jaya jagadisa hare.
kshatriyarudhiramaye Keshava jagadapagata papam
 Keshava snapayasi payasi samitabhavatapam
 kesavadhrita bhrgupati rupa jaya jagadisa hare.
vitarasi diksu rane Keshava dikpatikamaniyam
Keshava dashamukha-mauli-balim ramaniyam
 keshava dhrita rama sharira jaya jagadisa hare.
vahasi vapushi visade Keshava vasanam jaladabham Keshava
kesava dhrita-haladhara rupa jaya jagadisa hare.
nindasi yajnavidhe Keshava -rahaha srutijatam
 Keshava sadaya-hrdaya darshitapashughatam
 kesava dhrita buddha sharira
jaya jagadisha hare.
mlechcha-nivaha-nidhane Keshava kalayasi karavalam
Kehsva dhumaketumiva kimapi karaalam
keshava dhrta kalki sharira
 jaya jagadisha hare.
srijayadevakave He Keshava rida-muditamudaram
Keshava srnu subhadam sukhadam bhavasaram
keshava dhrta dashavidha rupa
 jaya jagadisa hare.
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