Maharishi Bhimrao Ambedkar. Its a wierd way to commemorate Ambedkar as a maharishi. A presone who defied veda's authority all his life after learning that veda's are prejudice for shudra. Who is shudra and who is Brhaman has been debated from long, whether this terms meant to defined by cast or by born of a person. Similarly who is maharishi is also debatable in modern times, who should be called Maharishi , is it a gender agnostic term or only male scholars could be Maharishi ? would only a person comes from a particular caste or clan can have claim over this title ?
Let's try to find out answer in our scriptures and mythology.
Many ancient sages and rishis came from humble backgrounds. Vishwamitra was a warrior by birth but practiced austerities like a Brahmins and became a great rishi. Sage Parashar, the famous law giver, was the son of an outcaste (chandala). Rishi Vashista was born to a prostitute ,while sage Vyasa, the original author of the Mahabharata, was born to a fisherwoman. Rishi Valmiki the original composer of Ramayana came from a tribal family of traditional hunters. Some composers of the Vedic and Upanishadic hymns belonged to either lower castes or mixed castes. Satyakam Jabala was born to a prostitute who could not tell him who was his father.
Manu himslef said Brahmin is an incarnation of dharma born to protect dharma as ambedkar saheb did throughout his life. But in present time his name is remembered as a person who bring RESERVATION in Constitution. That is why backward classes revered him as a prophet while been out of reach of reverence of forward classes. Remembering B.r. Ambedkar just as a giver of reservation or a leader of a particular class would be a huge unjustice to the society. When one look at Dr. Ambedkar's life,masseges and achievement he was a lot more than this.
Ambedkar was a prolific student, earned a law degree and various doctorates from Columbia University and the London School of Economics, and gained a reputation as a scholar for his research in law, economics and political science. In his early career he was an economist, professor, and lawyer and later emerged as a law giver, philosopher and a social reformer who rekindled Buddhism in indian society. He was also a strong believer in democracy by his intellect he played a major role in making of Constitution, a Democratic form of government through which he tried to establish a Democratic form of SOCIETY.
If we honestly juxtapose his contribution with our former reformers and maharishies like Aryabhaat, charak,valmiki it was not lesser to anybody,so in my opinion he evidently deserves this title and respect of Maharishi in our society.
As purush sukta of RIG VED says shudra bron out of bhramas feet and feet of god usually most worshipped part of body.
So for us its time to follow vedas commandments and adopt Ambedkar saheb as latest MAHARISHI of hindu society
Let's try to find out answer in our scriptures and mythology.
Manu himslef said Brahmin is an incarnation of dharma born to protect dharma as ambedkar saheb did throughout his life. But in present time his name is remembered as a person who bring RESERVATION in Constitution. That is why backward classes revered him as a prophet while been out of reach of reverence of forward classes. Remembering B.r. Ambedkar just as a giver of reservation or a leader of a particular class would be a huge unjustice to the society. When one look at Dr. Ambedkar's life,masseges and achievement he was a lot more than this.
If we honestly juxtapose his contribution with our former reformers and maharishies like Aryabhaat, charak,valmiki it was not lesser to anybody,so in my opinion he evidently deserves this title and respect of Maharishi in our society.
So for us its time to follow vedas commandments and adopt Ambedkar saheb as latest MAHARISHI of hindu society
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