Monday, 21 March 2016


INDIA, the country of great civilization, great culture and diversity which it earned by assimilating new religion, faith and ideas open heartedly. Weather it came from within the society like JAINISM, BUDDHISM or SIKHISM or from any other part of the world like CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM, ZOROASTRIAN, JUDAISM and many more. Because the core belief of this land says that the supreme power, the god gifted us these religions and cultures for our spiritual nourishment, our well being and moral prosperity not for what is happening these days, mankind is servering religion by trying to spreading it till last corner of the earth. This practice seems like " rider being ridden by horse". I think that is why we do not have any supremely authoritative text. On this land God did not declared any final truth, i think god had some hope from this land of seekers that they will find it by their own. Actually this desire of seeking of the truth gives us a meaningful spiritual life but in case you are handed truth in the very first chapter of your life then it is very evident that you waste rest of your life in convincing or sometime compelling others to believe on your subjective truth but this land never did this injustice to its progeny. That's why we have more than 100 interpretation of our Ramayana, Mahabharat and Gita. Because we respect everybody's truth. After all respecting and adorning the truth, the God lies in every heart is more important than any scripture or holy text.

We have some oldest Christian of earth in Kerala, the second mosque of the world after Madina erected in Gujrat by permission of a hindu king, this is the only country which never persecute Jews, we have micro minority Zoroastrian living here with dignity. The core philosophy of this civilization is so liberal that it never resist any new idea, philosophy or scientific discovery contrary to that we lived in harmony with these. Unlike west where geniuses like Galileo, Socrates, Archimedes had to die or persecuted, we revered our scientists and innovators calling them Rishi or Maharishi like rishi kanak, rishi Bodhyayan, rishi sewetketu and rishi Charvak who's philosophy is not coherent with any Indian philosophy.

We have witnessed brutal conquest, persecution and confrontation but yet retain our cultural roots. We may have lost battle of sword but we resisted intellectually for more than thousand year but nowadays this great believe system is moribund not because of any external aggregation but because of deficiency of confidence in our own culture. We have our reference point of social values in west, our every greatness of past should be certified by them first then only we recognize it.

In Syria every school going kid learn stories of great Indian traders of 4000 year ago, in Lebanon everybody reads about 4300 year old temple made by Indian traders, with the help of Indian labourers of stone brought form India and having a lotus on its ceiling. Does any Indian child know about Angkor wat in combodia made by khmer king suryavarman 1000 years ago which is the largest temple of earth.
Our education system is legging in telling tell us about our glorious past so it is unable to build pride about who we were and who we are. Then how come this progeny will make a pride Nation

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