Three-day Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) meeting which held every for two days. The meeting had begun on Wednesday and ends today (Friday). Top ministers of the Union cabinet, including PM modi attended the meeting
The meeting called Samanvay Baithak is being translated as “coordination meeting”. The English translation does not carry the exact connotations of the Hindi word, “samanvay”, which indicates not “coordination” but “reconciliation”.
Whole idea seems like old age practice of kings go to see their masters (gurus) in jungle to learn state politics and other diplomatic and spiritual matters for their own and people's well being.the question is, will the idea be relevant in today's scenario and diverse society? will it not make feel non hindu people apprehensive from government which parade before a hindu radical outfit which often talks about "hindu rashtra" ,"ghar vapsi" and so many other things which does not go with secular fabric of country. This unofficial, informal relationship between the RSS and the BJP does not just raise eyebrows and intrigue political observers but also throws up serious questions about the non-democratic, if not undemocratic, engagement between the two organizations.
This opaque relationship between the BJP and the RSS is deeply disturbing in a democracy. After all, cloaked goings-on are never known to bode well for a democratic polity.
The meeting called Samanvay Baithak is being translated as “coordination meeting”. The English translation does not carry the exact connotations of the Hindi word, “samanvay”, which indicates not “coordination” but “reconciliation”.
Whole idea seems like old age practice of kings go to see their masters (gurus) in jungle to learn state politics and other diplomatic and spiritual matters for their own and people's well being.the question is, will the idea be relevant in today's scenario and diverse society? will it not make feel non hindu people apprehensive from government which parade before a hindu radical outfit which often talks about "hindu rashtra" ,"ghar vapsi" and so many other things which does not go with secular fabric of country. This unofficial, informal relationship between the RSS and the BJP does not just raise eyebrows and intrigue political observers but also throws up serious questions about the non-democratic, if not undemocratic, engagement between the two organizations.
This opaque relationship between the BJP and the RSS is deeply disturbing in a democracy. After all, cloaked goings-on are never known to bode well for a democratic polity.
Is this a kingdome practice in modern age democracy? I think mr. Prime minister should make cordination with our citizens who's voted him not to their so called political gurus.
ReplyDeleteNo i differ,citizens should be delivered with promises made before come to power.........coordination should be inside the govt.